Fun Ways to Declutter Your Home (Yes, There Is Such a Thing!)

While many people don't associate cleaning or decluttering with fun, it can still be enjoyable, depending on how you approach it. Having an excellent plan of approach is an excellent way to get things started. Here are some tips from Susie’s Organization Solutions on how to declutter the fun way!


Create a checklist:

It is easy to approach a task enthusiastically — at the beginning, at least. However, it becomes harder to keep up with the momentum the more you get into it. Before long, you may start to feel like this is nothing more than slog work. This is where it may be useful to create a checklist to help you establish a starting point and a schedule to stick to. One trick is to clean your home like you’re selling it, meaning you ensure you scrub everything from top to bottom.


Give your home a personal review:

Giving your home a personal review is beneficial, especially if you intend on selling one day. Decluttering will also give the impression of a much more spacious area, which could make your rooms look larger and, therefore, much more attractive to a potential buyer. However, you may not know what to do with all those extra items you could still envision using in the future. In this case, you may want to use self-storage facilities to store all your belongings until a later date to go through them at your leisure.


Make it a habit to be generous:

If you feel like your home is piling up continuously, then perhaps the solution to your dilemma is to be more generous. You could make it a habit to look at those items you could simply give away to those in need or those who could make good use of them. This way, you'll avoid accumulating too much too soon and make someone else's day in the process.


Getting the little ones involved:

Many hands make light work; this is so true, especially where housework is involved. But it would be even more helpful if you tried to make it an enjoyable experience so that when the time comes for your next home decluttering exercise, you'll be met with enthusiastic high-fives. One of the easiest ways to ensure everyone is on board is to incentivize their efforts. Apart from just making it reward-based, you can add a fun element to it by playing music, having heart-to-heart chats with your kids/family, and emphasizing that feeling of self-accomplishment and self-pride that one gets from taking an interest in their home.


If all else fails, follow the 20/20 rule:

If you're having a difficult time with the decluttering process on the whole, then it may be time to embrace the 20/20 rule and be done with it, which says that if you can replace the item for less than $20, or you can replace it in less than 20 minutes, then you need to let go of it already!

Certainly, decluttering is a necessary step if you are seriously considering selling up. So, if you haven't done it in a while, it's best to start sooner rather than later (with a good checklist and strategy backing you up the entire time!) to ensure you get everything done and to prevent everything from getting to you.

Susie’s Organization Solutions is here to help bring functionality and beauty to your environment while helping you feel empowered, calm and at peace. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask! or 616-554-3175

Image via Pexels


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